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Sunday, May 24, 2009

My friends during Teacher's Day celebration..

My friends
Tika again and Wani
Aainaa with sleepy Pija

Tika and Thirah..

Our KT that's really 'shewngal!'
Funky girls in IK2
This is Diba@Joongie.Best actress in school...


Just now,I learn Arabic with him..
At first,we study at the 'Anjung Pejabat'..
Because,it just two of us...
Then,Amalina coming towards us..
He said that we cannot learn there because it is so noisy..
So,he asked us to go to the staff room...
He said,if it just both of us,it would be conflict..
"Tangkap basah,nanti kahwin free"How could he say like that..
At last,Amalina agree to follow us..
He asked both of us,how we can be too closed?
I feel weird...How he know that we're closed?He has been telling about it by who?
Mamat?Maybe,because,nowadays,Mamat always look after me...
Especially after Kemboja incident...First,we just learn about nahu and qawaid...
After that,we started to share some stories that related to our relatives and people around us..
He told to us about his wife..He's so romantic..Seldom to see him getting angry...
Truly,he is the only teacher that seldom angry with the students..
I just saw him angry last year...But when he saw me,he would shut his mouth and not getting angry anymore...That's only the moment's he became angry...
I told to him about the ghosts that always disturbing me..and also about the kemboja's smell..
He said if it is a nice smell,it's okay.But,if the smell is stingy,that's will goes something wrong..
But,I couldn't bear that smell anymore...It make me feel sick..
Like yesterday,I felt headache...It was so painful...
I felt such I'm going to be fainted..
Imagined,as I woke up,I feel the painful again..
My sight becomes very blur even I wear my spectacles..
Don't know what's wrong..
Hope no any ill that I will get...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Secret of my blood group

Sempoi! Itulah ungkapan yang paling rapat dengan anda. Anda lebih selesa dengan kesederhanaan.
Dalam perhubungan pula anda adalah individu yang terlalu jujur dan lebih gemar berterus terang dalam apa jua perkara. Dalam melaksanakan sesuatu tugasan yang diberikan, anda lebih gemar melaksanakannya dengan cara anda sendiri.
Anda adalah individu yang kreatif dan fleksibel, mudah bagi diri anda untuk meletakkan diri sendiri dalam apa jua situasi mahupun kelompok golongan tertentu.
Anda adalah individu yang bijak bersosial. Namun ada kalanya sikap anda yang gemar berdikari dan tidak gemar meminta bantuan orang lain itu, mampu mendatangkan masalah buat diri anda dan sekali gus memperlihatkan kelemahan pada diri sendiri. Anda harus ingat bahawa, tidak semua perkara kita boleh menyelesaikannya secara bersendirian.
taken from

Kamu seorg yg trendy dan suka bersosial.Kamu masih belum bersedia utk menjadi isteri dan ibu.Individu ini tidak gemar tinggal di rumah sepanjang hari.Kamu kerap menghabiskan masa bersama teman2 dan bijak membawa diri.Dalam pada itu kamu berusaha memperbaiki diri utk menjadi seorg ibu dan isteri yg baik.Kadangkala,kamu agak egois,namun krn kamu sangat mempersona,teman dan suami tidak sampai hati untuk memarahi kamu.Satu perkara lagi,kamu adalah individu yg boros.Awas!!!…
Taken from


I'm so tired...So hungry...
Don't know what to do...So bored....
Tomorrow,he is on duty...
Cannot wait to tell him about that things...
Being disturbed again,again and again make me feel sick!
Hate you!!This time,I will ask him to do something...
He always said,as long as I'm not being disturb by that things,he would let it bygone...
So,he want us to be disturb until it will make the school havoc,huh?
Please doing something...
I cannot bear it all alone!!

Naimatul Hannan's story

Poor with her..
She's getting sick yesterday..
She who had already know me,just look at me with weakest sight...
Her nose look reddish..
Ustaz said it's because she had a flu...
Ustaz quickly took her to clinic...
Hope she getting well as soon as possible...
Cannot wait to play with her again...

Teachers' Day Celebration 18/5/2009

This day is my mum birthday...
Today is also Teachers' Day Celebration in my school..
This day, we gonna having fun a lot!!
Don't have to go to the class,learn that subject,this subject..
Just enjoying ourselves!
There are so many activities today..
Female teachers had to find something in a bowl that contain with a lot of flour.
Don't sure what because I didn't watch it from the starting.
But,for male teachers,we had been held an explorace..
They look so funny..
At the first checkpoint,they had to find 10 coins...
Each coin only valued 1 cent..
Can you imagine how they find it with their own hands?
So funny lolz..
At checkpoint 2,they had to make ketupat..
Many of them said that they don't know how to make it...
I,actually had been quarrel again(again?)with Cikgu Allen...
Always quarreling with him whenever we meet..
I said to him that many of Johorians know how to make it...
Every man should know about it...You're arts teacher,shouldn't you?
Then he said,I'm was not born in Johor..
We kept quarrel at checkpoint 2 until he shut his mouth...
Finally,I won again!!
Just a few of them know how to make it..
Among of them are Ustaz Zulkhairi,Cikgu Serzali,Cikgu Firdhaus,Cikgu Ibrahim and Ustaz Fakru(after being teach a lil' bit by Cikgu Serzali)...
We never stop laughing there...They look funny!!
After that,they had to eat onion...
Not a cooked ones but a raw one!!
Imagined their blushy face when they eat it...
Cikgu Firdhaus vomitted a few time...
Ustaz Jihadi just eat a little bit...
The last checkpoint was the havoc one...
They had to blow the balloon until it burst..
But,they just blow it a lil' bit(I think it's quite big)..
Then they ran towards us to make it burst...
Some of them just have a seat on the balloon...
They such a liar at that time...
Many of us and the tachers look messy...
We throw flour to them...Half of Cikgu Jasni's face full with flour...
The principal also throw it to us..
Quite a big fun...
They so sporting...
Love this day so much...
At night,I meet him...
He called me with the softest voice ever...
"Ina..Happy Teacher's Day"
I feel weird when suddenly he become normal...
Back to himself that I know for 1 year..
Also feel weird why he wished me like that...
Maybe because I taught him how to speak in English...

Checkpoint 2

They stuck here..

Backdrop..Making by Arts Students+5IK1+5IK2 '09

They also had to make performance for the celebration...
Female teachers just perform nazam...
Male teachers performance is the best after all...
They perform a choir entitled "Sang Ulat Bulu"
They also perform 'dikir barat'
For dikir barat,they had been trained by Ustaz Fakru,which is Kelantanese...
When they sing "Sang Ulat Bulu",many of them laugh a lot..Until they had to cover their mouth because of it...
He also doing like that...So cute!
We,as the students just making a video...
Only about our school...
In a nutshell,the celebration is best...
But,not the best oned...
Here is the lyric for "Sang Ulat Bulu"

Sang Ulat Bulu
Ada sang ulat bulu,
Punya kaki seribu,
Siapa jumpa kakiku,kakiku,
Jikalau tak dapat,
Terpaksaku melompat,
Dengan kaki seribu kurang satu.

Ada sang alat bala,
Panya kaka saraba,
Saapa jampa kakaka,kakaka,
Jakalaa tak dapat,
Tarpaksaka malampat,
Dangan kaka saraba karang sata.

Ede seng elet bele,
Penye keke serebe,
Seepe jempe kekeke,kekeke,
Jekelee tek depet,
Terpekseke melempet,
Dengen keke serebe kereng sete.

Idi sing ilit bili,
Pinyi kiki siribi,
Siipi jimpi kikiki,kikiki,
Jikilii tik dipit,
Tirpiksiki milimpit,
Dingin kiki siribi kiring siti.

Odo song olot bolo,
Ponyo koko sorobo,
Soopo jompo kokoko,kokoko,
Jokoloo tok dopot,
Torpoksoko molompot,
Dongon koko sorobo korong soto.

Udu sung ulut bulu,
Punyu kuku surubu,
Suupu jumpu kukuku,kukuku,
Jukuluu tuk duput,
Turpuksuku mulumput,
Dungun kuku surubu kurung sutu.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sushi that I love

  1. Chicken Teriyaki

  2. Beef Teriyaki

  3. Eel Teriyaki

  4. Sushi Ebiko

  5. Salmon Katsu

  6. Calamari and Vegetable Tempura

  7. Ahi Katsu

There are so many of it...
Love to eat them always!

Teacher's Day

Pyzam Glitter Text Maker

Especially to Teacher Azmah and Teacher Haslina that always support me in my life...
Thanks to all teachers from SK Bachang(99-04) and teachers from SMKA Sharifah Rodziah,Teluk Mas,Melaka...
Thanks to all teachers that have been taught me to be a good human....
Whatever you're being called,either cikgu,ustaz,ustazah,teacher or else,you're still precious swarovski crystals in my life...
I love you all so much!!

Yesterday 15/5/09 story

We went to MITC...
Just to celebrate 'Hari Belia Kebangsaan'
They said that PM will come..but there's just TPM..Whatever it is,I just accept it..
So bored...Their speechs are too long and not too clear....
The audio system not work too much because the boys there screaming like orang utan....
So tired...
I've got some surprise too!
He'd followed us there!!
First,I went to staff room...
Just to tell him that me and my roommates had been disturbed by kemboja fragrance...and about the screaming of a mysterious voice during 1-4 am...
I told him everything about it...
Then,he said that he will keep in vision about it...
He asked me where's the place?
I just said in front of my dorm and the study room that next to my dorm...
Then,he stared at me...
"You also go there?Going to MITC?"He asking surprisely...
I just said,"Yes,I'm going there.And why?"
"We are going on the same bus."He's replied with a little bit enthusiasm in his voice...
I quickly get out from the staff room...
GOSH!!He'd followed us!!!
When was the time to hear PM speech,he quickly going out...
Don't know why...
My watch show that its already 5.40pm...
We need to go home right now!
But,when we arrived at the exit door,Ckg Jasni told to one of the RELA,that we want to pray...
The woman staff gave us permission...
Suddenly,another old guy came to us and said....
"Closed the door!!"he shouted loudly....
But,when the aunty told that guy that we want to perform prays,he said "Cannot!!"
How could you,an old man to say like that!!!!
We felt angry with him...
I managed to get out..
But Angah still inside..and nearly hurt by the door...
I pull her hand and she pushed the door quickly....
Many of us managed to get out during this incident...
Then we ran to our teacher,Ckg Jasni to tell him that there's some students were trap in there...
He went back there and managed to get them out...
We went to Masjid Al-Alami...
We just want to perform the pray when there was a student shouted,"4IK and 4IR!!Go to our bus now!!
"I quickly went to him and said,"Ustaz,let us perform our pray first!"
He told me to wait for a while,he discussed with the driver...
Then,he asked us to pray first...
We felt grateful...
Then,after a few minutes,after we finished perform our pray...
Our bus went to MOZAC to send them...
When this happened,we started to feel more angry...
Poor them,that they had to hear our harsh words....
I borrowed his phone to send an sms to my mother...
But he let me to make a call...
"You don't mind?"I asked him,for confirmation...
He said,"For you,everything can..”I felt so pleasured with him at that time...
Then,I made a phone call...
I thought that my mother will pick up the phone...
But my father picked up the phone....
My father was angry with me...
Then,many of the students borrowed the phone...
When was the time for us to go home,he choose the same bus with me...
What you want?!He cares for me at such no points at all!!!
I hate it!!
We managed to arrive at the school at 7.45pm...

14/5/2009's story

Exactly at 12 midnight...
I smell something that very fascinating...
I never thought that the fascinating smell was kemboja fragrance...
I asked my roommates to smell it...They also said,"Smell of kemboja's flower.."
I picked my clothes and went upstair to iron room,which situated at Level 2...
Before I going upstair,in front of the door,I said,"Who are you?"
Suddenly,my roommates stared at me...I just smile to them...
I said to that thing,"Whoever or whatever you are,thanks for the best smell ever!"
After that,the smell going to be thicker and thicker...
I quickly going to the iron room...
After finished ironing the clothes,I went to my dorm..
I put the clothes and picked my book..I went to the study room that next to my dorm...
After I take my seat,I can smell it again...
And this time,the smell such moving into the study room...
I just continue my reading..
Feel so lazy to think about it....

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My school story

Recently,we always heard a mystery voice screaming during 3-4 o'clock in the morning...
But,this morning we really had a catastrophe at the hostel...
Especially at Fairuz 8..The roof zinc were flying everywhere...
One of the beds had nails tibris on it..
3 of them had been injured because of the roof zinc tibris...1 of the injured victims is Form 2 students..
That girl had been injured near her spine..
Luckily,she still okay..They got permission for going home from KW...
Feel jealous with them...Hope they would be better now...