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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Teachers' Day Celebration 18/5/2009

This day is my mum birthday...
Today is also Teachers' Day Celebration in my school..
This day, we gonna having fun a lot!!
Don't have to go to the class,learn that subject,this subject..
Just enjoying ourselves!
There are so many activities today..
Female teachers had to find something in a bowl that contain with a lot of flour.
Don't sure what because I didn't watch it from the starting.
But,for male teachers,we had been held an explorace..
They look so funny..
At the first checkpoint,they had to find 10 coins...
Each coin only valued 1 cent..
Can you imagine how they find it with their own hands?
So funny lolz..
At checkpoint 2,they had to make ketupat..
Many of them said that they don't know how to make it...
I,actually had been quarrel again(again?)with Cikgu Allen...
Always quarreling with him whenever we meet..
I said to him that many of Johorians know how to make it...
Every man should know about it...You're arts teacher,shouldn't you?
Then he said,I'm was not born in Johor..
We kept quarrel at checkpoint 2 until he shut his mouth...
Finally,I won again!!
Just a few of them know how to make it..
Among of them are Ustaz Zulkhairi,Cikgu Serzali,Cikgu Firdhaus,Cikgu Ibrahim and Ustaz Fakru(after being teach a lil' bit by Cikgu Serzali)...
We never stop laughing there...They look funny!!
After that,they had to eat onion...
Not a cooked ones but a raw one!!
Imagined their blushy face when they eat it...
Cikgu Firdhaus vomitted a few time...
Ustaz Jihadi just eat a little bit...
The last checkpoint was the havoc one...
They had to blow the balloon until it burst..
But,they just blow it a lil' bit(I think it's quite big)..
Then they ran towards us to make it burst...
Some of them just have a seat on the balloon...
They such a liar at that time...
Many of us and the tachers look messy...
We throw flour to them...Half of Cikgu Jasni's face full with flour...
The principal also throw it to us..
Quite a big fun...
They so sporting...
Love this day so much...
At night,I meet him...
He called me with the softest voice ever...
"Ina..Happy Teacher's Day"
I feel weird when suddenly he become normal...
Back to himself that I know for 1 year..
Also feel weird why he wished me like that...
Maybe because I taught him how to speak in English...

Checkpoint 2

They stuck here..

Backdrop..Making by Arts Students+5IK1+5IK2 '09

They also had to make performance for the celebration...
Female teachers just perform nazam...
Male teachers performance is the best after all...
They perform a choir entitled "Sang Ulat Bulu"
They also perform 'dikir barat'
For dikir barat,they had been trained by Ustaz Fakru,which is Kelantanese...
When they sing "Sang Ulat Bulu",many of them laugh a lot..Until they had to cover their mouth because of it...
He also doing like that...So cute!
We,as the students just making a video...
Only about our school...
In a nutshell,the celebration is best...
But,not the best oned...
Here is the lyric for "Sang Ulat Bulu"

Sang Ulat Bulu
Ada sang ulat bulu,
Punya kaki seribu,
Siapa jumpa kakiku,kakiku,
Jikalau tak dapat,
Terpaksaku melompat,
Dengan kaki seribu kurang satu.

Ada sang alat bala,
Panya kaka saraba,
Saapa jampa kakaka,kakaka,
Jakalaa tak dapat,
Tarpaksaka malampat,
Dangan kaka saraba karang sata.

Ede seng elet bele,
Penye keke serebe,
Seepe jempe kekeke,kekeke,
Jekelee tek depet,
Terpekseke melempet,
Dengen keke serebe kereng sete.

Idi sing ilit bili,
Pinyi kiki siribi,
Siipi jimpi kikiki,kikiki,
Jikilii tik dipit,
Tirpiksiki milimpit,
Dingin kiki siribi kiring siti.

Odo song olot bolo,
Ponyo koko sorobo,
Soopo jompo kokoko,kokoko,
Jokoloo tok dopot,
Torpoksoko molompot,
Dongon koko sorobo korong soto.

Udu sung ulut bulu,
Punyu kuku surubu,
Suupu jumpu kukuku,kukuku,
Jukuluu tuk duput,
Turpuksuku mulumput,
Dungun kuku surubu kurung sutu.